Language & Literacy


Novice bunny and expert bunny on bikes When I typically begin a series of blogs to conduct nerdy inquiry into an abstract topic, I don't generally know where I'm going to end up. This series on LLMs was unusual in that in our first post, I outlined pretty much the exact topics I would go on to cover.

Here's where I had spitballed we might go:

  • The surprisingly inseparable interconnection between form and meaning
  • Blundering our way to computational precision through human communication; Or, the generative tension between regularity and randomness
  • The human (and now, machine) capacity for learning and using language may simply be a matter of scale
  • Is language as separable from thought (and, for that matter, from the world) as Cormac McCarthy said?
  • Implicit vs. explicit learning of language and literacy

Indeed, we then went on to explore each of these areas, in that order. Cool!


NYC skyline

The Surprising Success of Large Language Models

“The success of large language models is the biggest surprise in my intellectual life. We learned that a lot of what we used to believe may be false and what I used to believe may be false. I used to really accept, to a large degree, the Chomskyan argument that the structures of language are too complex and not manifest in input so that you need to have innate machinery to learn them. You need to have a language module or language instinct, and it’s impossible to learn them simply by observing statistics in the environment.

If it’s true — and I think it is true — that the LLMs learn language through statistical analysis, this shows the Chomskyan view is wrong. This shows that, at least in theory, it’s possible to learn languages just by observing a billion tokens of language.”

–Paul Bloom, in an interview with Tyler Cowen


Through the window In our series on AI, LLMs, and Language so far we’ve explored a few implications of LLMs relating to language and literacy development:

1) LLMs gain their uncanny powers from the statistical nature of language itself; 2) the meaning and experiences of our world are more deeply entwined with the form and structure of our language than we previously imagined; 3) LLMs offer an opportunity for further convergence between human and machine language; and 4) LLMs can potentially extend our cognitive abilities, enabling us to process far more information.

In a previous series, “Innate vs. Developed,” we’ve also challenged the idea that language is entirely hardwired in our brains, highlighting the tension between our more recent linguistic innovations and our more ancient brain structures. Cormac McCarthy, the famed author of some of the most powerful literature ever written, did some fascinating pontificating on this very issue.

In this post, we’ll continue picking away at these tensions, considering implications for AI and LLMs.


The Octopus

“Over cultural evolution, the human species was so pressured for increased information capacity that they invented writing, a revolutionary leap forward in the development of our species that enables information capacity to be externalized, frees up internal processing and affords the development of more complex concepts. In other words, writing enabled humans to think more abstractly and logically by increasing information capacity. Today, humans have gone to even greater lengths: the Internet, computers and smartphones are testaments to the substantial pressure humans currently face — and probably faced in the past — to increase information capacity.”

Uniquely human intelligence arose from expanded information capacity, Jessica Cantlon & Steven Piantadosi

According to the perspectives of the authors in the paper quoted above, the capacity to process and manage vast quantities of information is a defining characteristic of human intelligence. This ability has been extended over time through the development of tools and techniques for externalizing information, such as via language, writing, and digital technology. These advancements have, in turn, allowed for increasingly abstract and complex thought and technologies.

The paper by Jessica Cantlon & Steven Piantadosi further proposes that the power of scaling is what lies behind human intelligence, and that this power of scaling is what further lies behind the remarkable results achieved by artificial neural networks in areas such as speech recognition, LLMs, and computer vision, and that these accomplishments have not been achieved through specialized representations and domain-specific development, but rather through the use of simpler techniques combined with increased computational power and data capacity.


Natural digital

Regularity and irregularity. Decodable and tricky words. Learnability and surprisal. Predictability and randomness. Low entropy and high entropy.

Why do such tensions exist in human language? And in our AI tools developed to both create code and use natural language, how can the precision required for computation co-exist alongside this necessary complexity and messiness of our human language?


“Semantic gradients,” are a tool used by teachers to broaden and deepen students' understanding of related words by plotting them in relation to one another. They often begin with antonyms at each end of the continuum. Here are two basic examples:

Semantic gradient examples

Now imagine taking this approach and quantifying the relationships between words by adding numbers to the line graph. Now imagine adding another axis to this graph, so that words are plotted in a three dimensional space in their relationships. Then add another dimension, and another . . . heck, make it tens of thousands more dimensions, relating all the words available in your lexicon across a high dimensional space. . .

. . . and you may begin to envision one of the fundamental powers of Large Language Models (LLMs).